TV & Radio Samples
Independent journalist Patrick Henningsen reporting from on the ground in East Aleppo, inside formerly terrorist-held part of the city, investigating for 21WIRE.TV (2017).
Patrick talks with RT International evening news about the controversy over US airstrikes in Syria and Iraq and the mounting civilian casualty and death tolls there, with implications of a cover-up (2017).
Patrick appears on RT International's award winning program IN THE NOW hosted by Anissa Naouai to discuss US Defense Secretary Ash Carter's criticism of Iraq and Iran in the battle against ISIS (2015).
Patrick joins the debate program Cross Talk on RT International where host Peter Lavelle asks the question, "Whose propaganda should we be worried about, US, EU, or Russia?" (2015)
Long before many pundits had figured out what was really happening in Syria, Patrick exposed the true roots of the Syrian Conflict - here on Press TV's program Double Standards with then host Afshin Rattansi from their London studios (2011).
Patrick Henningsen hosts the 21st Century Wire TV program on PSTV on SKY 191 (UK), and talks with former head Reuters foreign news reporter and author of the book Grey Wolf, Gerrard Williams, to investigate the case of Hitler's escape to Argentina after the Fall of Berlin (2012).
CrossTalk on RT International - "The White Helmets: Humanitarian NGO or elaborate western PR stunt for regime change in Syria? Host Peter Lavelle talks to Patrick Henningsen, along with independent journalists Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett (2016)
Patrick talks with Hollywood legend, and iconic actor Ed Asner, to discuss his short film 'Good Men', as well as his life in political activism, as the SUNDAY WIRE radio show broadcasts from the Sedona Film festival in 2015.
Press Features